Washington, D.C. ..love trumps hate

Today was a bittersweet day, where every impressionable moment of President Obama and his first family filled our news feeds, news channels and magazine covers… if you type their names in Google, among the top 3 searches are “what are the Obama’s doing today?” I suppose as a nation we are intrigued by their transition from…

YOU are your child’s biggest bully…

The idea that WE, as parents are our children’s biggest bully doesn’t seem to fit the title, it makes us squirm but it’s the harsh reality. We begin this by holding them to standards higher than we hold ourselves. HOW?? 1) We too become disappointed and this leads to frustration but when they become this…

Half-Empty?Absolutely not…

I lay there pretty exhausted after a long day of reading, math, religious studies, science, spelling, trampoline jumping and volleyball playing. I must have exclaimed at how tired I was and it only took a few seconds before I saw his little feet dart across the room, picking up the cover for his Lego table…

I didn’t marry my best friend.

What kind of blog post is this?? breaking the norm? shifting from the ideology that our marital success lies in marrying our best friends? deviating from the cliche? eekk…well here goes.

My Father | Their Grandfather

When my father visits, I love watching the relationships he forms with each of my children flourish in their own ways. Each of them have helped to bring out more emotion from this man who was always caring underneath a very tough exterior. He texts me to ask how they are doing, sends his love…

To Aleppo, with love.

I was up early this morning, and read the news. The thoughts below seemed to flow and I quickly jotted this down :   Aleppo is burning While we turn in our beds Our hearts filled with heaviness, it feels like lead… Our eyes are red From the tears we have shed While the knots…

Your Muslim Neighbour

It is my hope that blogs like mine, can help to dispel questions about Muslim Americans and breed tolerance and respect as we raise our children and live our lives in very similar ways, albeit in a society that questions our basic beliefs. Click to read the inspirational and influential story of a blogger!

Combating Broken Glass with Kind Words

I was showering, enjoying the quiet, the warm water, the freshness and just basking in the moment of peace when I heard the faint commotion outside the bathroom. Knowing my husband was there, I ignored it for surely he had it under control.   And then it came…*knock knock* “umm, hun, there’s a really big…