Empowering our Daughters

Splashed across every social media site are popular memes encouraging women to be kind to each other, to build each other up, to encourage each other, to not compete, etc but when does that empowerment begin? Is it an attitude we adapt to when we hit our 30’s and realize that being nice is far…

Staying Afloat | Swim Team Mom

The otherwise pristine oak floors of our home are covered in wet footprints every afternoon and the goldfish crumbs ground into the car seats now become mush from soaked clothes and wet shoes. The back porch is covered in wet towels which go against the neighborhood covenant but it seems there is no other choice…

A letter to my son, on starting Pre-K

To my little boy, When I hear your feet pitter patter down the stairs in the stillness of the early morning, I meet you with a smile and warm embrace while I immediately start praying that today, we wouldn’t have tears and perhaps, I can feel better about releasing your still tiny, fragile self to…

10 Things I want to teach my kids about choosing Friends

Surround yourself with people who care more about God’s opinion of them than other people’s opinion. Find those who intentionally reach out to others from within their “inner circle” and connect with them Surround yourself with people who are not obsessed with material possessions. Seek out those who care more about doing the right thing…

When Kids No Longer Nap

This is a question I get asked a lot and over the spring break, I got a few messages from people specifically asking…“DO YOUR KIDS NAP AND IF THEY DON’T WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THEM?” Yes, all caps because these messages were coming from exasperated parents. I’m lucky  because yes, if time permits my…

Parenting in hindsight

Her hands were frail and her touch evoked a grandmotherly warmth as she held my hand and bent to touch the ragged hair of my 15 month old. “You’re such a doll” she said before looking around the table and reminiscing, “this reminds me of when my children were young. I had 5 of them….

Simplifying Life || Extracurricular Activities

As our kids get older and more involved in extra curricular activities, some days it can be overwhelming and exhausting. For example, last Saturday, there was swimming for 3 kids, Trampoline Park event with friends, lunch and karate competition tryouts for 1 kid all between 10 am and 3pm. Thereafter we did grocery shopping, some…

Is it OK to talk about our children?

I have noticed something absolutely amazing about children…when you call them or when you are giving instructions or directions, they consciously or not, tune you out when they feel like it but somehow, they can sense when you ARE about to talk about them, and suddenly they take an extra 5 minutes to walk up…

3 Tips for Positive Parenting

How many times has your child had a tantrum and you responded by yelling back at them? or you openly voiced your disappointment in their behavior by shrieking/grunting/public disapproval? I’m not perfect by any means, and unfortunately; while infrequent, the above happens here too. Here are 3 tips that can help you in the process…

Parenting Resolutions | New Year

I’m not a fan of New Years Resolutions because I am a firm believer that the longer we wait for something to go into effect, it loses momentum and fails….as a result, I try to reflect instead on a bi-monthly basis about where I am and where my goals are aligning. One of the things…

Teaching Gratitude to Our Children

It’s no secret or misinformation that we live in a world where our children are often over-indulged; where they want our presents more than our presence but really need our presence more. We use things merely as the place value in our life, without being grateful enough; and unfortunately even as parents, we forget that…