
This is a game which is well liked by my 3 year old. Perhaps its the spiffy little zinger, the bingo like cards, the feeling of playing a big kid board game or perhaps its a combination of all those plus the added confidence of actually learning. The version that we have is the “sight words” Zingo and its definitely a winner!

My 3 year old is extremely independent so we have been focusing on playing games that encourage inclusion and cooperation. The great thing is, there isn’t really a way to “lose” so it gives him that sense of accomplishment every time we play. Playing fairly, taking turns and being excited if someone else spots the sight word first are concepts we have been able to talk about and incorporate.

Another great plus for parents, there’s no setup and it doesn’t entail reading a series of instructions.

If you’re looking for a game for a preschooler, then I highly recommend this one!


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