1st Birthday

Tonight, I held you in a longer embrace
And began to trace
The details of your delicate face
I had flashbacks of those moments that were a waste
When I didn’t savor the time, it went by with haste
You are a blessing from God, proof of his mercy and ultimate grace

As my eyes welled with tears
And my heart filled with fears
For your life on earth
I began to pray

That you never lose your way

I hope above all things your gentle heart
Never stops being kind and loving all
And baby girl, when you fall
Stop, pray.. then stand up and have no fear
Even when your mind is muddled with wear

Persist, carry on

I hope you know you can do anything you want
The possibilities are limitless and endless
Not defined by your gender or dress

My darling girl
Even when it seems like the entire world
Is trying to change who you are
Pick your battles but win the war
That will be better in the long run by far

You fill our lives with light
Even In the darkness of the night
When you are snuggled, warm and wrapped up tight
I pray that God keeps you safe and guides you to what is right
We can’t wait to see what the future unfolds, though we are certain it will be bright

And don’t for a single second forget that we love you infinitely with all our might.

-Naimah R

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