
Someone asked me recently why I’ve turned to blogging and because I was caught off guard I said “well, because I always wanted to and decided this year I would.” But perhaps, it goes a little deeper. As a “stay at home mom” you get slighted for being “just a yoga pants, no makeup wearing individual whose adult conversations are few and far between.” While that is often the case, I am also an individual who graduated college with a masters degree at the age of 22 the month before getting married; I have also worked and was well liked when I did and more often than not, even when my brain processes are working and thinking up great ideas and thoughts, there is no medium or audience to share them with.
Working moms have the opportunity to get up, dress up, show up and that’s all that matters..they pursue new territories and gain recognition for being bold enough…. Well, this is my platform; this is my version of showing up with unadulterated stories and pictures and views that shape my life and maybe that of many other moms.

This is me being brave enough to finally put myself and my opinions out here with the hope that it can benefit someone…anyone! This is also me finding gratitude in life and realizing that we need to rid ourselves of the small nuances that sometimes inundate our lives and weigh us down.

Whatever kind of life you live and whatever choices you make requires bravery, courage and faith and God willing we can find that perfect balance together.

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