Parenting Resolutions | New Year

I’m not a fan of New Years Resolutions because I am a firm believer that the longer we wait for something to go into effect, it loses momentum and fails….as a result, I try to reflect instead on a bi-monthly basis about where I am and where my goals are aligning.

One of the things I an constantly keeping tabs on is my parenting abilities. In areas where I see myself lacking I make a very conscientious effort to form new resolutions to challenge myself and gain the desired effect or the standard I choose to hold myself to. Sometimes though, even the best of us get burnt out- when that happens, grab yourself a copy of “How to Raise Great Kids” by author, Jim Gromer. He offers short and very practical tips on how to raise children who hold themselves and others in a high regards while being polite,  well mannered and terrific children.

Some of the areas addressed in the book are:

– Emotions:
Give your kids a freebie. Sometimes our kids want to talk to us about something but are afraid we will get mad and punish them. In order to ensure that our kids keep an open line of communication with us, we need to allow them a freebie once in awhile to have the freedom to tell us anything without consequences. Instead of freaking out, work together with your child to come up with a solution to their problem, if one exists.

– Creativity:
Jim mentions in the book that he enjoys putting a blank cardboard box in front of this children and seeing what they come up with. He encourages parents to not always have instruction based structure activities but instead give them the freedom to think outside the box.

– Fun and Laughter
You don’t need to spend money to have a wonderful time. Many parents feel pressured to spend a lot of money on fancy experiences like a vacation to Disney World, thinking that is the only way they can have fun as a family. This is not the case. There are so many free ways that we can have a blast with our kids. Spending time together in public outdoor spaces such as parks, playgrounds, hiking trails, nature centers, lakes, and beaches are not only fun but provide so many health benefits as we connect with nature.

– Optimism
Teach your children how to keep a positive attitude in spite of the disappointments that are bound to arise in their lives.

– Exercise
Jim encourages parents to lead by example and maintain healthy lives before imposing that upon their children. He gives us examples of ways their family exercises outdoor and indoor.

– Giving
Encourage a spending/saving/charity plan. In order to teach children about helping others and managing money, we can establish a system in which they divide their gifts and allowance up into three buckets: spending, saving, and charity. You can work together to decide what percent goes to each.


Hey, if “becoming a better parent” or “raising great kids” are part of your New years Resolutions, then please buy yourself a copy of this book!

*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post but all views expressed are solely my own.*


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Im not one for resolutions either but that sounds like an interesting book!
    Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is an interesting book- full of good tips


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